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Permalink: (This link helps support to quickly navigate to the email you have a question about.

General Description:

  • Envelop Sender: Where the message originated from.
  • From Header: Where the message said it was from.
  • Subject: Subject of the message.
  • Timestamp: When the message was passed through essentials.
  • Message ID: Helpful for troubleshooting back-end logs.

Scan Information:

  • Virus Summary: Tells you if the message was infected or not.
  • Spam Summary: Tells you if we think this message is spam or not.

Per-Recipient Classification & Delivery Status:

  • Recipient: Tells you who the message is going to.
  • Classification: This field shows what type of email Proofpoint Essentials considers the email to be. These may be Spam, Clean or Filtered. In this example, a filter is in place to always allow emails from this sender, so we see ‘Filtered: Allow’.
  • Triggering Filter: If a filter has been triggered, as in this example, you will see the filter rule which has been triggered.
  • Delivery: This field shows us delivery information for this email. As we can see, the Delivery Status is ‘Delivered’. Note the ‘Last delivery response’ at the end of this field. Of importance is the response code 250 (highlighted) from the receiving server, whose IP address is displayed in square brackets to the left. This indicates it has accepted the email from the Essentials platform. At this point, if you have not received an email that you believe you should have and see this status in the email log, it indicates that the issue causing non-delivery lies with the recipient server and should be investigated at that point – Proofpoint Essentials has successfully delivered the email to the specified receiving server.
  • Released: Whether this email has been released from a Quarantine.
  • Reported: Whether this email has been reported as spam by the recipient.

Other Information:  

  • Client IP Address: From which IP this message originated.
  • Client GeoIP Lookup: From what country did this message originated.
  • Email Size: Size of the message.
  • Encrypted: (Outbound Only) Indicates that this message got encrypted by Proofpoint Encryption. (This does not indicate if the message was sent out TLS)
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
