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Reverting a Single Sign-on Login Method

Once you have enabled single sign-on for an account, should you need to revert back to a direct login method or switch from one SSO service to another, you should:


  • Click the cog in the top navigation bar to access the Settings Page
  • Once on the Settings page, click the Manage button in the Account Settings section
  • Once in Account Settings, expand the Single Sign-On section
  • Click the “Revert Login Provider” button
  • Read and accept the Update Account Settings warning by checking the box in the modal window and clicking the Update button




Your login method will revert back to the default direct method. If you want to switch to a different SSO method, you should follow the instructions for enabling SSO.


Please note: Once you have enabled single sign-on as your account’s login method, you should only revert back to direct login after careful consideration particularly if you had the self-registration option enabled. Users created via self-registration, do not have the credentials needed for direct login. Therefore, in order for those users to login, the Admin will have to reset the password of each user individually.

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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted
