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Unable to send emails through Proofpoint Essentials outbound relay feature.

Unable to send emails through Proofpoint Essentials outbound relay feature.

Verify the following:


  1. The Outbound Relay feature is enabled for the company.

    1. Log in to the Proofpoint Essentials user interface
    2. Type the customer name into the search bar (top header)
    3. Click on Company Settings
    4. Click on Features
    5. Check the box next to "Enable Outbound relaying"

  2. The sending server send connector should be correctly configured to use the Proofpoint Essentials smart host.

    Resellers are assigned to different sections of our cloud and as such the relay destination you must use for setting up customers will be dependent on your allocation. If you are not already aware of which smart host address have been assigned to your account please contact either support or your account manager.

    The relay/smart host destination where all mail should go is one of the following four options:

    1. (For console users)
    2. (For US users)
    3. (For EU users)
  3. You can test connectivity to Proofpoint Essentials by typing and executing the following from a command prompt on the email server of the organization:

    telnet [Smarthost Address] 25

    You should see a message saying "Welcome to Mail Distiller ESMTP Server", amongst other things. (enter "quit" to close the connection.) If you do not see this message, examine the outbound settings on the firewall between the server and the internet.

    NB: Please ensure you read the instructions on Firewall Lockdown and include all IP ranges.

  4. The correct sending server IP address should have been added to list of Outbound servers. Proofpoint Essentials MTAs are updated every 30 minutes. Therefore new sending server details may not have been applied. (The Proofpoint Essentials system uses this as a dual form of relay authorization, with the other being that the user exists.) To verify the outbound IP has been registered:

    1. Log in to the Proofpoint Essentials user interface
    2. Type the customer name into the search bar (top header)
    3. Click on Company Settings
    4. Click on Domains
    5. Click on "Add New Sending Server"
    6. Enter in the IP or IPv4 range and save


Once (1) to (3) is completed, please wait until top or bottom of the hour for the changes to replicate across the Proofpoint Essentials Network.

If the above have been confirmed and a customer is still experiencing issues sending mail through the Outbound relay feature. The SMTP logs of the sending server should provide an indication of the issue.

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