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How can I prevent my Secure Message Center emails from going to my spam folder on Yahoo?

How can I prevent my Secure Message Center emails from going to my spam folder on Yahoo?

Occasionally, the Secure Message Center notifications or password resets will be delivered to your Spam folder in Yahoo.

To prevent this, you will need to mark the notification as 'Not Spam'. Additionally, you can create a filter, so that these emails will be delivered to your Inbox. Below are full details

To mark the email as 'Not Spam', locate the email in your Spam folder and open it. Then, press the 'Not Spam' button.

To create a filter:

 NOTE: Depending on your Yahoo 'theme', these steps may be slightly different.

Log into your Yahoo account via a web browser

From your Inbox, select the 'Options' link on the right hand side, then select 'Mail Options'

 NOTE: This depending on your 'theme', this may be 'Settings', then 'Mail Options'





From the right hand menu, select 'Filters'

Press the Add filter button

Enter a 'Filter Name'. This can be anything, such as 'Secure Message Notifications'

The 'sender' value should be set to 'contains' and in the 'sender' field, enter 'SecureEmail'

Set the "Folder" to 'Inbox'

Then press the Save button.

For password notification messages, repeat the above process to create an additional filter using 'notification' for the 'sender' field.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted
