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Understanding Proofpoint Essential's Mail Flow

Messages processed through Proofpoint Essentials go through various stages in a particular order which is outlined below for both inbound and outbound. (Order of Operations)

Inbound Mail Flow:

  1. IP reputation checks
  2. Attachment Defense (if licensed)
  3. Anti-Virus scanning
  4. Filters: Custom filters and send lists.
    - Executables such as .exe, .dll, .bat, .js, and others are blocked before custom filters.
    - Any filter that triggers with "Quarantine" or "Allow" will skip the Anti-Spam step of processing
  5. Anti-Spam
  6. URL Defense Scan and Rewrites (if licensed)

Outbound Mail Flow:

  1. Attachment Defense (if licensed)
  2. Anti-Virus scanning
  3. Filters: Custom filters and send lists
    - Executables such as .exe, .dll, .bat, .js, and others are blocked before custom filters.
    - Any filter that triggers with "Quarantine" or "Allow" will skip the Anti-Spam step of processing
  4. Anti-Spam
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
