Release Notes: Version 2020-02-14
- [AR-4495] - Adding additional criteria to a search will not place the new item in the order you expect it to be.
- When adding multiple groups into a search, the GUI presentation was not initially showing the newly added group into the order you expected it to appear. This fix resolves that event.
- [AR-6134] - Partner API v2 (whitelableling) - children account doesn't get updated when parent account is updated by hierarchy
- Partner API update to ensure that whitelable requests are honoured through the hierarchy of the parent tree
- [AR-6586] - PCC: no error message when PCCA fail to create a new archive account from PCC because of duplicate external-id
- Improved handling of the 'New Account' creation process in PCC, whereby a notification is displayed if an external-ID reference is used that already exists.
- [AR-6688] - qa-view-us: exports stuck in pending state
- caught before deployment to production, UI handling update implemented to display true state of archive account requested exports.
- [AR-6450] - View | Plain Text View, preserve carriage returns
- Improves the screen presentation of the default 'TEXT' view of messages when reviewed from searches. Text view provides a very quick and easy way to present contents of search returned assets from the archive, that will enable you to review message content. Should you with to see the message in its original format, simply click the HTML/Text Toggle button at the top right of the chosen message.
- Plain Text View:

- HTML / Original View

- [AR-6618] - view-frontend env: firefox download step failing with ssl certificate validation when setting up the vm for view-frontend
- Following an update of the Browser Firefox, additional update resolved the ssl conflict.
Internal QA Improvements
- [AR-6533] - Setup dev environment
- [AR-6534] - Build the UI using mock data
- [AR-6613] - Setup api endpoint for store table configs
- [AR-6614] - Setup Redis server for dummy data
Carlos Rios