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VIPRE Email Security

  • How Do I Quarantine Mails That Trigger On DKIM Failure?

    To reduce spoofed emails coming into your domain you can trigger on DKIM failure in the portal. We as a receiver will check that the email was authorized by the owner of that domain. This is done by v...

  • VIPRE Email Security Anti-Spoofing Policy

    To avoid spoofing of your own domains and these so-called CEO frauds and other variants, VIPRE Email Security suggests setting up an Advanced policy using a Data List which includes IPs allowed to sen...

  • Outgoing E-mail and SPF setup - VIPRE Email Security

    Customers of VIPRE Email Security may have their outgoing e-mails scanned for viruses, same as for their incoming emails. Outbound scanning of email ensures mail can be logged in your portal for track...