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Import from a CSV File

This method uses either a standard or Postini CSV file:

  • Standard CSV file can contain user information such as SMTP address, first and last name, and aliases.
  • Postini User CSV file can contain user details such as first name, last name, and primary SMTP address, as well as sender lists. It supports the Google Postini user export file format.

The import process will automatically create sender lists for each user imported.

A Postini Alias CSV file can be used to load Postini alias addresses after the Postini Users CSV has been used to import users. It contains alias addresses, domains, user_id and user_address.

To add users:

  • for your company:
    • click i_home.png.
  • for a customer:
    • on the Customers tab, click the name of the customer for which you want to add users (the customer’s company record opens).
  1. On the Company Settings tab, click Import Users.
  2. Click CSV.
  3. Select the CSV Type (file format): Standard CSV, Postini Users CSV, Postini Alias CSV (can be used only after Postini Users CSV import).

    To view a sample format of the file type you have selected, click CSV file format instructions.

  4. Choose the default role to be assigned to the users created through this process.
  5. Click Browse and navigate to the file you want to import.
  6. Click Upload.

A validation page appears, displaying the results (success, failures) from the CSV import. Existing user records will not be affected by the import, but will be reported as an error (duplicate).

User Provisioning options - How to add users

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated 6 months ago
