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Enabling Single Sign-on

Single sign-on to Archive via Microsoft and Google is now available. To switch your login method from direct (default) to one of the available SSO methods, follow these simple steps:


  • Click the cog in the top navigation bar to access the Settings Page
  • Once on the Settings page, click the Manage button in the Account Settings section
  • Once in Account Settings, expand the Single Sign-On section
  • From the Login Methods drop down, choose between direct (default), Microsoft, and Google
  • If applicable, enter the domains for which you would like to authorize self-registration
  • Click the Save button
  • Read and accept the Update Account Settings warning by checking the box in the modal window and clicking the Update button




Now, when your users go to the login page for archive, they will see either a “Sign-In with Microsoft” or “Sign-In with Google” button. Provided they are actively logged into the relevant service, they will be authenticated into archive by clicking that button. Should they not have an active session, they will have to first authenticate  with the relevant service.


Each account can only have one login method enabled at any time.


Currently, the SSO integrations available out of the box are with Microsoft (Azure, O365, Outlook) and Google, but we plan on adding other email providers as well as identity management systems (ie. Okta, Centrify, etc.) Please let us know if you would like to request to add SSO integration with a specific service.

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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
