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Why use advanced search?

  • To create more complex search queries than those that are available via the Simple features.
  • To use the full power of our cloud-search engine.
  • You can use wildcards, advanced boolean, and date/time queries to refine your search.
  • To narrow down the search to some rather specific criteria.
  • To exclude search terms.


Search examples

To search specific metadata fields

  1. Click the ‘+’ to display the ADD CRITERIA OR GROUP dropdown list
  2. Select ADD CRITERIA to display dropdown list of the available criteria you can to search (i.e.; FROM)
  3. Write your search terms in the desired fields.
  4. Click APPLY to save your search criteria.
  5. Continue with Steps 1 – 4 to add additional criteria.

To create a nested search

  1. Click the ‘+’ to display the ADD CRITERIA OR GROUP dropdown list
  2. Select ADD GROUP to insert a new search group
  3. Follow ‘To search specific metadata fields’
  4. Continue with Steps 1 – 3 to add additional criteria


  • To add criteria, select another ‘+’ to display a dropdown list of available criteria
  • To delete criteria, select ‘-‘ to remove the criteria
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted
