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Mass Update feature

Situation You need to apply a change to a large group of users.
Solution The Mass Update feature allows Admin users to make bulk changes. 


What Is Mass Update

The Mass Update feature in Proofpoint Essentials helps administrators make changes to multiple accounts at one time. It also allows you to apply a change across all (or a large set of) users. 

For example, if you have loaded users as silent users, you may want to convert them into end users to ensure that they receive the quarantine digest, and can login
to the system.


  1. Login to your Proofpoint Account.
  2. Navigate to the Users & Groups > Users tab.
  3. Select the number of users (from the checkbox on the left-hand side) that you would like to mass update.
  4. Select Mass Update from the Action drop-down list.
  5. Select the appropriate option from the list displayed.
  6. Click Update Users.

Mass Update: Options And Settings 

The following changes change be made to multiple accounts simultaneously using Mass Update:

  1. Change Role
    • Used when changing a user account to a functional account
    • Also used to change a Shared Mailbox to a Functional Account after doing an Azure / Office 365 Sync
      • After moving all Shared Mailboxes to Functional Accounts go to Users > Import & Sync > Azure Active Directory scroll to the bottom and click on Search Now.
        • The system will inform you that it would like to delete all of the Shared Mailboxes you moved from Users to Functional Accounts expand the selection of all of the mailboxes and make sure they are all selected and click on the Exempt From Sync and press Save at the bottom of all of the ones that are set to be deleted.
        • This will Exempt those Shared Mailboxes from getting moved back over to users (which are billable as opposed to a Functional Account which is not)
  2. Receive Reports
  3. Receive Quarantine Reports
  4. Report only if new messages

Additional Mass Update Options

Assign to group Assign selected users to a particular group
Role Change role for selected user accounts (For example: Channel admin, Org admin, End user, Silent user, Functional accounts)
Receive Reports Enable / Disable receiving quarantine digest for selected users
Report only if new messages Receive digest reports for only new messages
Interval between report checks Time interval options between consecutive digest reports
Digest delivery start time Set time when digests should be sent
Change Password Setup a new password for selected accounts
Confirm Password Confirm new password for selected accounts
Send Welcome Email Send welcome Email to selected end users (not silent users)
Reset passwords for selected users Send password reset Email to selected end users


When changing a silent user to an end user, a welcome email will not be sent unless the Send Welcome Email option is selected during the update.

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  1. Migration Specialist Name

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
