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Steps for adding users by CSV upload

CSV Upload

This import option allows companies to provision users by loading a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file.

The file can contain a first name, last name, primary STMP address and aliases for all users.

Only strategic andchannel administrators are capable of using this method of user provisioning.

To see a sample of how the Excel file should look like please see below: 

To load a CSV file:

  1. Click on the Company Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Import Users tab.
  3. Click on the CSV tab.
  4. Choose the type of CSV file you will be loading.
    Standard CSV: A basic file format that includes first name, last name, primary email addresses and aliases.
    Postini User CSV: A Postini user export file that contains user details first name, last name, primary STMP
    address) as well as user allow and block lists.
    Postini Alias CSV: A Postini alias export file that contains the alias address, domain, user_id and
    user_address. This file can be imported after you have loaded a Postini User CSV
  5. Choose the default privileges type for new users.
    End User: Receive the quarantined digest and can login to the Proofpoint Essentials user interface.
    Silent User: Receive the quarantine digest and are not granted access to login to the Proofpoint Essentials
    user interface.
  6. Click Choose File.
    Locate file you wish to import.
  7. Click Upload.
    You can view an example of the file format you selected to import by clicking on the CSV File Format

Once you upload the file the system will report the number of successful or failed entries imported. If there are
errors reported, review the message and repair the file as instructed. Successful addresses will be imported and
visible under the Users & Groups tab.

To watch a video "How To" on this please go to the following link:  How to Import users from CSV


Note: CSV import will only create new users, it will not update any account


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  1. Migration Specialist Name

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
