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SMTP Discovery management

Situation You want to configure and understand SMTP Discovery, or are unable to use LDAP and need to configure SMTP Discovery instead.
Solution Configure SMTP Discovery as noted below. See the table of setting descriptions to understand what each option does.


At Proofpoint Essentials we continue to recommend LDAP (Active Directory) as the preferred option for adding new customer accounts. It is the most accurate and requires minimal on-going management (set and forget) as it automatically updates itself every 24 hours.

Where LDAP is not possible, please configure the following options for SMTP Discovery. Choosing the SMTP Discovery method to add customer accounts will require a certain amount of on-going management attention and administration to ensure accounts are up to date and license balances are accurate.

To make this process more manageable for you, we have added the ability for partners to set the following specifications:

  • Choose what Proofpoint Essentials should do with newly discovered addresses.
  • Decide how we should manage these new addresses for you.
  • Stipulate what notifications we should send.

Please configure these new options for your entire user-base or on a per-customer basis and make the changes as soon as possible. The new settings will not take effect until the options are fully configured, otherwise the current SMTP settings will remain active or the defaults will become activated.

The SMTP Discovery process executes 4 times a day, so you may see some delay in discovered addresses appearing in the interface.

SMTP Discovery Settings

These settings will allow you to specify what Proofpoint Essentials should do with newly discovered addresses, choose how we manage these, and stipulate what notifications we should send.

To access these settings, navigate to Administration > Account Management > SMTP Discovery.

Default New User Role Select the default user type, Silent Users will not receive Welcome emails or be able to log on to the interface, End Users will have both.
Inbound Detection Threshold Select how many clean emails Proofpoint Essentials must detect before the email address appears on the SMTP discovery list.
How many times would you like to be notified about an address... Choose the number of weekly SMTP Discovery report notifications you would like to receive before the email address expires from the SMTP discovery list.
Expired Addresses Default to New User

Selecting this option enables you to specify that any email address which has expired from the SMTP discovery list is added as a new user rather than being marked as invalid.  

  1. An invalid address will no longer receive email.
  2. This option requires that a company's Org Admin agree to this by a pop-up statement. This agreement may have billing implications.
Auto-add Detected Alias Addresses

Select this option to allow SMTP Discovery to add detected alias addresses automatically.

Proofpoint Essentials has logic in place to help us deduce, as far as possible, an alias address for a user e.g. could be an alias of  However less obvious aliases should be added manually to avoid being misconstrued as a user with the associated licensing implications.

Auto-add New Users Detected via Outbound You can select this option if you wish SMTP Discovery to automatically add to the system any new address which is detected as sending outbound email.
Report on New Users Select this option if you wish for Proofpoint Essentials to send a confirmation to the Technical and/or Admin contact, notifying them that a new user has been added by SMTP Discovery.
Report on New Aliases Selecting this option will prompt Proofpoint Essentials to send out a confirmation to the Technical and/or Admin contact associated with an account, notifying them that an alias address has been added by SMTP Discovery.
Include Admin Contact in the Report Select this option if you require the Admin Contact to be sent the Report as well as the Technical contact.


After adjusting the settings as desired, click Save at the bottom of the page.

SMTP Discovery will be disabled if LDAP or AZURE 24 hour sync is enabled.

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  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
