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The Gateway Policy Editor

Accessing the Gateway Policy Editor


To access the Gateway Policy Editor:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console.
  2. Click on the Services toolbar button. A menu drop down is displayed.
  3. Click on the Gateway | Policies menu item. Your available policy types are listed, with any that have policies configured displayed in bold. The list displays the following information:


    Policy Name Displays the policy name.
    Description Displays a description of the policy's purpose.
    Policies Displays the number of configured policies.
    Definitions Displays the number of configured definitions. If no definitions are required for a policy (e.g. an Anti-Spoofing policy) the column displayes "N/A".  You can display any configured definitions, or create a new one, by clicking on the Definitions button.
    Definitions Indicates whether a Definition is required for the policy type. If "N/A" is displayed, no definition is required. If a number is displayed, that number of definitions have been configured.
    Tell Me More Click on this button to access the Knowledge Base page for the relevant policy.


Listing Configured Policies


To either display a list of configured policies for a policy type, or to create a new policy:

  1. Click on a Policy Type. The list of policies is displayed.

    Policy Listing


Accessing a Policy Type's Definitions


Two buttons are displayed at the top of the Gateway Policy Editor:


  • The Definitions button displays a list of definitions. Click on one to navigate directly to that definition's listing. The resulting page is the same as navigating to the specific policy type and clicking on the Definitions button.
  • The Consolidated Policy Viewer button displays a list of all configured definitions for each policy type.
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
