Reporting missed spam can be performed via the message logs in the user interface.

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Select the message/s using the check box on the left hand side
  2. Click on the Report Spam button.
  3. From here, there are 4 options to select from to give us a better idea about where to categorise;
    • Scam/Phishing
    • Unwanted advertisement/Bulk
    • Inappropriate content
    • Harassment or offensive content
  4. Done!

It may also be of interest to you that you can now enable a feature to add a report as spam link to the bottom of all email delivered through our service. This can be enabled under Filtering - Add 'report message' to inbound email messages.

Reporting False Negatives

We have deployed into production an update which enhances the functionality and ability to report any mail you’re users feel should have been stopped. We can now amend a footer to the bottom of any inbound mails.


An end user can click this and a new window will open and report the mail back to us.


Once this has been reported back the mail will be marked as report in the message logs also, this Feature can be enabled Under :

Service Settings > Filtering > Settings > Add “report message”



If you want to report spam by not using the portal, please send us the original mail as an attachment (.eml or .msg) and send it to VIPRE's spam team. Don't just forward the mail as we need the original mail to see the correct email headers.