OUTBOUND TOKEN As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the highest standards of email security for our valued customers, we are excited to introduce a powerful new feature to fortify your defen...
The Outbound Token is a unique token added to the email header that is generated automatically and adds an additional layer of security by: * Uniquely identifying and authenticating legitimate outb...
This page lists the error codes for SAML - SSO configuration. CODE ERROR MESSAGE DETAILS 00 Mailbox Not Found Email address not found on VEC portal. Includes case when the customer...
SAML AUTHENTICATION VIPRE Email Security Cloud supports the use of SAML, allowing for integration with SSO identity providers. WHAT IS SAML? SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an open s...
Complete Article can be found here [https://success.vipre.com/email-cloud-basics/email-security-cloud-add-users]. This article explains the different ways you can create or import users into the ...
WELCOME TO VIPRE EMAIL SECURITY Please follow our quick and easy Best Practices steps found on our ‘Welcome to VIPRE [http://www.excelmicro.com/welcome-to-vipre-email-security/]’ page. For more in d...
GETTING STARTED MX Records & Outbound Smart host United States In order for us to filter your emails, you will need to change your MX records to point at our service. You should use the same MX rec...
VIPRE Email Security Cloud comes with an end-user portal where users can perform certain actions like reviewing quarantined emails or manipulating their Allow & Deny lists. ACCESSING THE END-USER PO...
To ensure 100% deliverability of your filtered mail from the VIPRE platform it is recommended that a receive connector is created on your Office/Microsoft 365, to do this log in to the Office 365 adm...
To enable this feature follow the steps below. * In the portal navigate to Service Settings > Outbound Relay > Outbound DKIM Signing * Select if wish to use 1024 or 2048 bit key (*2048 is recom...