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Request enablement of deletion tool

The View archive platform is designed to be a compliant archive service, in that messages stored with the service are safe from alteration or deletion.

The exception are the ability for an archive administrator to set a retention policy on their account to remove data that has reached a set age, and is no longer required, for example: any email older than 7 years is no longer required.

Alternative special app service

There is another use case, that has been introduced to fall in line with GDPR needs, where there may be instances for specific data, that has not reached a retention age is required to be removed for privacy reasons. With this in mind, we have developed an in app tool that will allow the archive Administrator(s) or the Compliance Officers (with the role of AA and/OR CO), to be able to select individual messages for removal from their archive.  This removal of messages is permanent and cannot be undone.

This particular feature could also be used temporarily for any legal, regulatory or compliance scenario's where data that is archived may have to be removed for specific regulatory or legal  reasons/needs where it is documented that such should be removed from an archive.

Enablement of the deletion app:

Enablement of the the feature can only be facilitated through your archive service provider by means of a support ticket.  The ticket must contain the following criteria:

1. Request of the deletion app within a specific customer archive account

2. Full details of the Customer Account

  • 2a. Customer Account Name (Archive Name)
  • 2b. Customer Archive URL (Used to access the archive service)
  • 2c. Customer Physical Address
  • 2d. Customer Telephone number
  • 2e. Customer contact name
  • 2f. Customer contact email address

3. A legal / secretary representative of the requesting company will also have to submit to the service provider a document that has been signed by their executive team authorising the enablement of such a feature. The document will state that 'Requesting the enablement of the feature, the Archive Service will no longer be classed as a fully compliant archive, since the Archive Administrators/Compliance Officers of the archive account will have the ability to remove messages directly from the archive.' upon deletion of any such message from the archive, the customer and their administrators are in full control as the data custodians and that no liability will be accepted from any deletion/removal of any message from the archive using these tools

Once all the criteria for the enablement of the tool has been received, your Service Provider will announce via the support ticket that the feature has been enabled for your account.  After the task or removing the specific data, you should advise your service provider to remove the tool.  You can of course request the re-enablement of the tool at any future time.


How To use the deletion tool:

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
