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Importing email into the Essentials Email Archive

Step 1: Requesting an email archive Import

  1. Create email with a subject (e.g., Archive import request: clientdomain)
  2. Provide your Customer Name (or, if you are a partner, the name of the Customer you are requesting the import for).
  3. Provide the primary domain name for the import.
  4. How much data (uncompressed) do you need to import (GB):
  5. Will the uploaded ZIP files be password protected: Y / N
  6. Enter the contact information of the person(s) who will be uploading the data:
  7. Enter any additional message details.

Step 2: Preparing your data for import

Be aware of the following pre-requisites when preparing your data.

  • Emails should be provided in either PST or EML format
  • EML files must be compressed into either Zip or 7zip files.
  • The maximum Zip/7zip file size is 80GB per file.
  • Multi-part Zip & 7zip files are not supported.

Step 3: Uploading your data for import

  • Excel Micro will create a ticket with ProofPoint to begin the process on your behalf. 
  • Once ProofPoint receives the request, Proofpoint's archiving team will respond to the main contact with SFTP credentials of where your organizations data should be uploaded.
  • You will need to update Proofpoint once all the data has been uploaded, so they can begin the verification process.
  • ProofPoint will provide confirmation and output of all files uploaded (including size) before proceeding to the next step.

Step 3a - Data verification during import

  • Once a file has been uploaded to the SFTP site its file name will be re-written to indicate that it is undergoing verification:
    • e.g., (verifying...)
  • If verification fails the import job cannot proceed until verification passes.
  • Problem files will be suffixed with a verification failure reason:
    • > The zip is encrypted but no password was supplied.
    • - The zip password is incorrect.
    • - The file is not supported.
    • - Multipart zips are not supported.
    • - File is corrupted.
    • - Unknown error.
  • Where verification is successful, the existing upload process continues and progress is reported:
    • (uploading 14%)
  • When fully uploaded the file finally displays as it's original filename:

Step 4: Import pre-processing

  • Once all data has been uploaded and verified, Proofpoint will unpack all data supplied and extract and verify all messages. 
  • This phase will produce a preliminary import report that will be shared. It includes individual message counts and will identify counts for duplicates, problem messages, etc.
  • Approval is required to proceed to Step 5.

Step 5: Import processing

  • This phase will process and move the data to the customer's production archive.
  • There are no actions for customers during this phase.

Step 6: Import completion confirmation

  • A final import report is shared once import processing has completed. It will include final counts of all processed email.
  • Customers are given 10 days to verify the import (via search and reports). 
  • Import requests are closed 10 days after the import completion was indicated as or when confirmation has been provided.

Note: Archiving Engineers suggest to wait to wait up to 24 hours to see all emails (internal and external) in the archiving admin dashboard.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
