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VIPRE Email Security - Immediate Action Required - Custom MX record changes

Important Notification - Immediate Action required by all VIPRE customers using their own custom Mx Records

Earlier in the year we posted notification which required all clients to open their Firewall and/or Mail server to a new set of IPs. VIPRE Email Security is changing the architecture of mail flow that will improve both performance and resiliency.

Immediate ActionTo avoid any disruption in email delivery, it is critical that all Partners/Resellers and their customers remove any static references to VIPRE IP[] directly no later than Wednesday March 31st, 2021. This includes custom created DNS A-records to VIPRE's MX or RELAY (smart host) entry points.  Any reference to IP[] should be avoided and corrected with [] as soon as possible. 

After the upgrade, all services will continue to operate in our IP space, however some 72.35.23.* IPs will be repurposed. 

If there are any questions with this please open a support ticket.

Thank you,

Excel Micro Support

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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
