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How should I group the ZixGateway lexicons together?


While most of the lexicons are used individually, there are some that are grouped together. This article is meant to help you understand how some of these are grouped. Once you have created the entries, you can continue to group the lexicons even further. For example, you could group "HIPAA" with "Financial" using an "or" connector. Emails with PHI or PFI would then trigger based on a single policy.

Standard Lexicons:

These lexicons are included with your ZixGateway when it is installed.  While the lexicon files will need to be updated periodically, you should not need to modify the settings/connectors.

HIPAA (PHI) for ZixGateway version 6.6 and higher

Entry Label Connector Entry Label Connector Entry Label Lexicon File
.Reg: HIPAA Violation Or contains Standard-HICNumbers And   Standard-HICNumbers-{datecode}.xml
combined Identifiers and Health Info And contains Personal Identifier Health-Identifiers-{datecode}.xml
contains Health info Health-Terms-{datecode}.xml

HIPAA (PHI) with Medicare Beneficiary lexicon installed on ZixGateway version 6.6 and higher
Entry Label Connector Entry Label Connector Entry Label Lexicon File
.Reg: HIPAA Violation Or contains MBI And   Standard-Medicare-Beneficiary-Number-{datecode}.xml
contains Standard-HICNumbers And   Standard-HICNumbers-{datecode}.xml
combined Identifiers and Health Info And contains Personal Identifier Health-Identifiers-{datecode}.xml
contains Health info Health-Terms-{datecode}.xml

GLBA (PFI) for ZixGateway version 6.6 and higher
Entry Label Connector Entry Label Connector Entry Label Lexicon File
.Reg: GLBA Violation Or contains Credit Card Numbers And   Credit-Card-Numbers-{datecode}.xml
Combined Identifiers and GLBA Terms And contains GLBA Identifiers GLBA-Identifiers-{datecode}.xml
contains GLBA Terms GLBA-Terms-{datecode}.xml
NOTE: If desired, you can use the Credit Card Number (CCN) lexicon alone.

HIPAA (PHI) for ZixGateway version 6.3.1 and older (new versions of ZixGateway should use "Reg: HIPAA Violation")
Entry Label Connector Entry Label Connector Lexicon File
HIPAA Violation (Standard) And contains Personal Identifier And Health-Identifiers-{datecode}.xml
contains Health Info And Health-Terms-{datecode}.xml

Personal Financial (PFI) for ZixGateway version 6.3.1 and older (newer versions of ZixGateway should use "Reg: GLBA Violation")
Entry Label Connector Entry Label Connector Lexicon
Personal Financial Violation OR contains Financial Terms and Identifiers And Personal-Financial-Terms-{datecode}.xml
contains Credit Card Number And Credit-Card-Numbers-{datecode}.xml
NOTE: If desired, you can use the Credit Card Number (CCN) lexicon alone.

Social Security Numbers
Entry Label Connector Lexicon
contains SSN And Standard-SSN-{datecode}.xml

Entry Label Connector Lexicon
contains Profanity And Profanity-{datecode}.xml

Optional Lexicons:
Below are some of the lexicons that can be added to your ZixGateway.  The optional lexicons are individual and do not need any specific grouping.  The below are just a few of the lexicons that are available.

State Privacy:
Entry Label Connector Lexicon
Texas Privacy Law And Texas-Privacy-Law-{datecode}.xml
NOTE: Zix has individual lexicons for multiple states, including Nevada, Massachusetts, California, Washington, etc

UK Drivers Licenses:
Entry Label Connector Lexicon
UK Driving License Number And UK-Driving-License-Number-{datecode}.xml

Tax Identification Numbers:
Entry Label Connector Lexicon
Tax ID And TaxID-{datecode}.xml
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  1. Carlos Rios

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