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SMTP Discovery

Situation SMTP Discovery (another way to provisioning new users) allows email to be relayed to non-licensed users. Users become licensed-users when manually added within a span of 30 days, a specified number of valid messages are received for that unique address OR one valid message has been sent outbound from your email server via the Proofpoint Essentials platform. An administrator can change the SMTP Discovery settings.
  • You are a new customer and you have many email accounts to create in your new Proofpoint dashboard
  • You hear about SMTP Discover, but you are not sure what it is, how to enable it, or how does it works?
Solution SMTP Discovery (another way to provisioning new users) allows email to be relayed to non-licensed users.
  1. Enabling SMTP Discovery
  2. Configuring SMTP Discovery
  3. Adding discovered users through our Proofpoint dashboard


Another way to provision users to the service is with SMTP Discovery. When enabled, SMTP Discovery allows email to be relayed to non-licensed users. Users become licensed-users when one of the following occurs:

  • Manually added within a span of 30 days.
  • A specified number of valid messages are received for that unique address.
  • One valid message has been sent outbound from your email server via the Proofpoint Essentials platform.

An administrator can change the SMTP Discovery settings.

Please Note: Users will only be automatically added for received messages if Expired Addresses Default to New User is enabled, and only added automatically for outbound if Auto-add New Users Detected via Outbound is enabled (both under the SMTP Discovery settings.)  If these options are not used, they will need to be added via the Discovered list within the New User report, or via the SMTP Discovery report under Users & Groups > SMTP Discovery.

Enable or disable SMTP Discovery:

1. Click the Company Settings tab.
2. Click the Features tab.
3. Disable (uncheck) or Enable (check) the SMTP Discovery checkbox.
4. Click Save.

Configure SMTP Discovery settings:

  1. Click the Company Settings tab.
  2. Click the SMTP Discovery tab.
  3. Choose the default privileges type for new users.
    • End User: Receive the quarantined digest and can login to the Proofpoint Essentials user interface.
    • Silent User: Receive the quarantine digest and are not granted access to login to the Proofpoint Essentials user interface.
  4. Select Inbound Detection Threshold.
    • The number of clean emails in a 1-month period before the address appears on the SMTP Discovery list.
  5. Choose how many times you would like to be notified about an address before it expires.
    • The named technical contact will receive a weekly notification of discovered addresses. This selection determines the number of notifications, which will be delivered before an address expires. Proofpoint Essentials will not deliver email to an expired address.
  6. Disable (uncheck) or Enable (check) if expired addresses default to new users.
    • This setting may create new users. As a result this option can only be controlled by the Organization Administrator.
  7. Disable (uncheck) or Enable (check) if aliases should be automatically associated with accounts.
  8. Disable (uncheck) or Enable (check) if users detected via outbound should become licensed.
    • This setting may create new users. As a result this option can only be controlled by the Organization Administrator.
  9. Disable (uncheck) or Enable (check) to send out a report on new users.
  10. Disable (uncheck) or Enable (check) to send out a report on new aliases.
  11. Disable (uncheck) or Enable (check) to include the administrator contact in report.
  12. Click Save.

Adding discovered users via the Web Interface:

  1. Click the Users & Groups tab.
  2. Click the SMTP Discovery tab.
  3. Use the pulldown to select Discovered List for discovered accounts, or Marked Invalid for accounts that have been marked invalid (and can no longer receive messages.)
  4. Click the check box next to any accounts you would like to have added as users.
  5. Change the pulldown next to the Apply button to Create user account (to add as a normal user), Create function account (to add as a functional account), or Mark as invalid (to move them to the Marked Invalid List.  This prevents them from receiving any emails.)
  6. Click Apply.

Please see [SMTP Discovery management] more for information on managing SMTP Discovery users.

Note: SMTP Discovery will be disabled if LDAP 24 hour sync is enabled.

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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
