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Adding, Enabling, and Verifying relay domains

Situation You need to add, verify, or enable relay domains to improve email flow. For example, inbound mail is not flowing due to a disabled domain relay.
Solution See steps below for how to add, verify, and enable relay domains.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Account Management > Domains.
  2. Click New Domain.
  3. Enter the domain's  IP address or fully qualified domain name in the Domain Name field.
  4. For the domain Purpose, choose "Relay".
  5. Enter the destination IP address or host for the domain.
  6. Optionally, enter one or more SMTP failover locations.
  7. Choose a verification method by following one of the procedures below.

To verify a domain by adding a DNS (TXT) record to the domain's configuration:

  1. From the Verification Method list, choose "Verify by TXT record". A value (e.g. ppe-7c123438b96cd00aa17e) is shown.
  2. Copy the value to the clipboard.
  3. Click Verify Later.
  4. Open a new tab or browser window.
  5. Login to your DNS provider's website.
  6. Go to your provider's domain management screen: this may be called DNS Settings, Control Panel, Advanced Settings, etc.
  7. Add a new entry to your DNS as follows:
    Type = TXT
    Host = @
    Value/Answer/Definition = Paste value from the clipboard
    TTL = 3600 seconds / 1 hour
  8. Save the change.
  9. Return to Proofpoint Essentials.
  10. Edit the domain you wish to verify and click Verify Now.
  11. Confirm that the verification status value associated with the domain is verified (as shown in the Verification Status column for the domain on the Domains tab of Company Settings).
  12. Enable the domain using the  control.

To verify a domain by adding a custom META tag to the homepage of your domain:

  1. From the Verification Method list, choose "Verify by META tag record". A value (e.g. <meta name="ppe-verify" content="ppe-f01321e1e822fcd1e7a8">) is shown.
  2. Copy the value to the clipboard.
  3. Click Verify Later.
  4. Open a new tab or browser window
  5. Open your website homepage HTML file using any text or HTML editor or, if your web host uses a web-based page editor (WordPress, Squarespace, etc.), open your homepage in their editor.
  6. Paste the content from your clipboard into the <head> section that appears before the first <body> section. (If you are unsure how to do this, contact your web host's technical support team.)
  7. Open your website homepage in a browser and view the source to confirm the addition.
  8. Return to Proofpoint Essentials.
  9. Edit the domain you wish to verify and click Verify Now.
  10. Confirm that the verification status value associated with the domain is verified (as shown in the Verification Status column for the domain on the Domains tab of Company Settings).
  11. Enable the domain using the  control.

Note: Changes to the relay domain status (on/off) are applied every half hour

Important: Domains must be verified before they can be enabled.

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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
