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Where and how to log in to Proofpoint Essentials

Situation Where and how do I log into the Proofpoint Essentials interface to manage my account?
Solution See below for information on:
  • Where to log-in for European customers
  • Where to log-in for U.S. customers
  • How to log-in through Microsoft

Where Should I Go To Log-In?

European customers can access their administrative account here:

US customers have the following options:

Unsure of which US site to log into?

You can login to any US site and our system will redirect you to the correct site your account is on.

Logging In

Microsoft Account Log-in

If you are using Microsoft, we do offer a service to log into the Proofpoint Essentials platform when you are logged into your Microsoft account. Please see: How to log in with an Microsoft Account

  1. Go to the appropriate URL (per above), or if on US, go to the US1 URL.
  2. Enter Username (email address) and click Sign In
  3. The password entry screen will appear:
  4.  Enter your credentials and press Sign in.

Forgot Password

If you forgot your password, please see the Forgot Password KB.

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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted a year ago
