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Top 10 Implementation Questions - Mimecast

What is the purpose of the “additional IP’s” section of the RFI (Request for Information)?

The additional IP field allows you to document any additional IP addresses that may be sending email with your domain name, such as a bulk mail service.  This ensures that the relevant policies are configured to accept this traffic, prior to you routing mail through the Mimecast service.


Why do I see mail under Accepted Email if I haven't gone outbound via Mimecast yet?

When processing mail traffic, Mimecast identifies the sending IP and domain name of the message in question and verifies if the traffic is associated with a current Mimecast customer.  Once your account is built and populated with your organization’s details, It’s common to see messages populate here that you’ve exchanged with other Mimecast customers.  This is perfectly normal and doesn’t indicate a problem.


What are SPF records and do I have to configure one?

SPF records are published by our customers and indicate the IP addresses that may be sending email with the domain name in question.  Although they are an industry best practice, they are not required by Mimecast.  However, if you have SPF records populated, they must include the Mimecast IP address ranges as otherwise it’s likely you will see deliverability issues with 3rd party domains that are validating these records as part of their security processing.


What policies are configured with my new account by default?

Mimecast configures a number of best practice security policies when your account is initially created.  You should review the full list to get familiar with this functionality, and of course can make any changes that you require before or after you start routing mail.


Can I use a wildcard certificate with LDAPS?

Yes, wildcard certificates will work fine from a Mimecast perspective.


My new LDAP connector appears to validate successfully, but it’s not syncing automatically – what do I need to do?

Once your connector is operational, you just have to select/enable it on the Account Settings page.


How many times a day does a Mimecast LDAP Directory Connection synchronize?

Mimecast will sync with your Active Directory automatically 3 times per day at 8am, 1pm, and 11pm.  If you ever need to force a manual sync because you’re made changes that you need to see reflected on the platform, you can always do so within the Services – Directory section of the Administration console.


I’m sending my SMTP Journal email to a domain – do I need to configure anything for this in my DNS settings?

No – this journal domain doesn’t need to have MX records or other DNS entries populated for it.  You’ll want to follow the setup instructions to ensure your send connectors and other Exchange settings are configured appropriately to route this data to Mimecast.


How do I verify connectivity before switching my MX records to route my inbound mail through Mimecast?

You can do this right within the Administration Console, by selecting the relevant Delivery Routes and using the “Test Connection” option


When routing inbound, can I leave my old MX records in place at a higher cost?

Although this is a common practice when migrating vendors, Mimecast strongly recommends you remove the old host names as soon as possible after your cutover.  Spammers (and legitimate senders) may continue to utilize the old host names as long as they’re published in your MX records, and its important they’re removed so Mimecast can filter all inbound traffic.


Can I change the frequency or timing of the digest message?

Yes – this is completely customizable by our customers.  If necessary, you can even create different digest sets and policies to provide unique delivery timing for different groups of individuals in your organization.

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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
