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How long does it take for new email to appear in the archive?


I have journaled new email to the archive, how long do I have to wait before it is searchable / discoverable in the archive?


Upon receiving your data, the archive service will immediately store and encrypt your data.  The Indexing processes for this new data will be actioned based on the following:

All data is evaluated for processing every hour, but should the data not meet either an age or size of unprocessed file thresholds, they will wait until they hit one of them.

The Thresholds are:

  • The account data received has reached a volume size of 1GB or more
  • The account data received has an age of 24 hours

As a guideline, it could be around 24 hours before new data is discoverable in your archive account. The more data we receive for your account, the more frequent your account will be updated.

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  1. Carlos Rios

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