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Why is the option to forward a message from the email archive disabled?

Situation You are unable to forward an archived email from within the email archive. When hovering over the Forward option a disabled icon is displayed.
Solution If the total email size exceeds 10MB then it is not possible to forward the message, this is as designed. Instead you can export the message but this will require the user to have Discovery User access.


When trying to forward a message from the Archive the option is disabled:


The forward option will be disabled when the total email size exceeds 10MB, this behavior is as designed. If you require a copy of the original message then you can export it as per the steps below:

  1. Make sure the user you are logging in with to export the message has Discovery User access. This can be checked as per the steps below:
    1. Log into the Proofpoint Essentials admin console with an Org Admin account.
    2. Click the Archive tab.
    3. If prompted select LAUNCH EMAIL ARCHIVE.
    4. Within the new window that opens select the Users icon.
    5. Search for the user you are logging in with to perform the export.
    6. Click the pencil (edit) icon beside this user.
    7. Check Discovery User and choose which mailboxes you want this user to have access to.
  2. Once logged in with a user that has Discovery User access, enter search criteria to narrow down the results to the message(s) you want to export.
  3. Click Export as shown below:


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted
