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Zix/AppRiver Plugin for Outlook v7.0.0

Title: ZixSelect for Outlook 2016-2019
Version: 7.0.0
Description: Optional plug-in providing "Encrypt Message" addin for Outlook 2016-2019, OWA and Outlook Online.

Release Date: Mar 2020

What's New in ZixSelect 7.0

Zix is pleased to present the newest version of ZixSelect, filled with additional and updated features. This document section
describes the new features and enhancements in ZixSelect version 7.0.

New Encryption Functionality

ZixSelect is now operated as a toggle option for encrypting messages.

Support for Mac and Multiple Mail Clients

ZixSelect is now available on the following clients for Mac and Windows:
• Outlook 2016 and 2019 for Mac and Windows
• Outlook 365
• Outlook Web Access (OWA) 2016 and 2019
• Outlook for mobile browsers

Deploying ZixSelect Plugin for Your Organization

Administrators can also choose to deploy ZixSelect on user workstations in their organization by following one of the procedures below.

To deploy ZixSelect for Exchange 2016 or 2019:

1. Uninstall any previous versions of ZixSelect.
2. Download the file (attached to this KB).
3. Unzip the file contents to a secure location on your computer.
4. In your Microsoft Outlook administrative interface, navigate to the Add-ins screen of the Exchange admin center.

5. On the Add-ins screen, select the option to add a custom add-in from file.

6. Browse to the ZS7.0.0_encryptonly.addin.xml file on your computer and select it.
7. Select Open.
8. Refer to the Microsoft documentation for further instructions on deploying custom add-ins to your organization.

To deploy ZixSelect for Office 365:
Note: The following procedure uses the Classic admin center view.

1. Download the file (attached to this KB).
2. Unzip the file contents to a secure location on your computer.
3. In your Microsoft Outlook administrative interface, navigate to the Services and add-ins screen of the Microsoft 365 admin center.

4. On the Services and add-ins, select Deploy add-in.

5. Select Next.
6. Select I have the manifest file (.xml) on this device. Browse to the ZS7.0.0_encryptonly.addin.xml file on your computer and select it.
7. Select Next.
8. On the following screen, select from the available to specify who has access to ZixSelect.
9. Select Deploy Now.
10. Select Next after seeing confirmation that the add-in has been deployed.
11. Follow the on-screen prompts if you want to announce the add-in deployment to your users. Otherwise, select Close to finish the process.

Note: It can take up to 12 hours for the add-in to fully deploy throughout your organization.

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