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Security settings allow you to customize your application access security, including the failed login attempts lockout behaviour.




Intrusion Lock:

Set how many attempts a login will accept incorrect passwords, before invoking a security action. Available options are: 3, 5, 7 or 10 bad password attempts entered.

Account Locked for:

Where an account has had multiple failed login attempts, how long the account should be locked down for, before future attempts to login to the service will be considered.  Options are: 30, 60 minutes or Indefinite period of time, until an admin logs onto the service and re-enables the account status of the user.

 After an account has been locked out, Administrators can identify and change the setting, by navigating to USERS.  Listing the users will identify any account's locked by the red padlock:


To unlock a user account, edit the individual.  Scroll through the accounts' detail until you locate the red Login Status bar, listed us Roles and Status:


Click the red bar to change the status.


Once applied the red padlock will disappear again the users' name.



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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
