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Proofpoint Essentials New Archive FAQ

Q1: What Ports does the customer need to open in order to accept IMAP traffic? 

Customers can specify the ports to use, normally it will be the default IMAP ports 143 and 993

Q2: What file formats do we support for import?

We only accept .eml format for initial imports of pre-existing data prior to using Proofpoint Archive

Q3: Which mail servers/hosted services is our archive currently compatible with?

We support Exchange 2016 and 2013. We also support Office 365.

Q4: Is it possible to migrate mail from Legacy Archive to the New Archive?

Migrations can be requested via a Migration Request support ticket

Q5: Where do I find information on settling up the New Archive?

Email Archive Getting Started Guide


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
