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VIPRE Email Archive: Google Workspace

The instructions below are for Google Workspace but can be used as a guide for any web server application. Google Workspace adds an extra BCC recipient to every email that comes in or out of the Workspace.

Create a Journaling Rule

  1. Log in to the Google Workspace admin console and navigate to Gmail > Routing
  2. Click on Configure at the bottom
  3. In the text field, type a name for the rule
  4. Under Email messages to affect, put a checkmark next to Inbound, Outbound, Internal - sending, and Internal - receiving
  5. Under Also deliver to, check Add more recipients and enter
    1. Important: This is an example and not the actual address; your Company Tag is the unique identifier assigned to your account; refer to Archiving Portal Access to find the appropriate address
  6. Under Add Recipient > Advanced Options > Headers, add a checkmark next to Add X-Gm-Original-To
    • This is for the copy that is sent to the archive 
  7. Click Save
    • Please allow at least 15 minutes for the journaling rule to be fully enabled
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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted a year ago
