Our guided setup will walk you through everything you need for your initial configuration of VIPRE Email Archiving. So, let's get started! Step 1: Log in to VIPRE Email Archiving * Navigate to the ...
Creating our user accounts to access the archive. VIPRE - Email Archive has multiple level of user accounts, in this guide we'll setup two different level's of users - Privileged and Data Guardian u...
The instructions below are for Microsoft Exchange Server but can be used as a guide for any mail server application. When using Exchange Server with VIPRE Email Archiving, there are two parts to the ...
The instructions below are for Google Workspace but can be used as a guide for any web server application. Google Workspace adds an extra BCC recipient to every email that comes in or out of the Works...
LINKS TO VIPRE EMAIL ARCHIVING WEB PORTAL BASED ON REGION REGION URL TO VIPRE EMAIL ARCHIVING United Kingdom, Ireland, and DACH https://www.eu1.archive.mailanyone.net Nordics http...
The instructions below are for Microsoft 365 but can be used as a guide for any web server application. CREATE A JOURNALING RULE * Log in to the Microsoft 365 admin console and navigate to Admin C...
VIPRE Email Archiving uses LDAP in three ways: * To assist when validating a User Login * If the Translate User option is selected * To expand email addresses in non-enveloped emails * To p...
This is generic article that should help with journal rules on Exchange for specifically Office 365 see the related article. [https://support.excelmicro.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/287/2...
[img src="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ExJxASgbtPvQL9a3smBFwKHrXa7H8T3c" alt=""] ...
See attached Guide. General Administrative Overview * Configure Connectors for Archiving * Setup and Configuration * Adding a Compliance Administrator * Compliance Admin Limits * Basic Sea...