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VIPRE Email Archive: Exchange Server Setup

The instructions below are for Microsoft Exchange Server but can be used as a guide for any mail server application.

When using Exchange Server with VIPRE Email Archiving, there are two parts to the configuration: setting up a separate send connector and configuring the journaling. 

Part 1: Creating a new Send Connector

A new Send Connector is needed to ensure archived mail doesn't go back through the filter and risk being stopped or double archived. 

  1. Log in to the Exchange Management Console (EMC)
  2. Under Organization Configuration, select Hub Transport
  3. Select the Send Connectors tab
  4. On the right, click New Send Connector... 
  1. Name the connector and select Custom from the drop-down
  2. In the Address space, enter the appropriate address for your region (this link opens in a new tab)
    • Make sure the cost is lower than any other smart hosts that might cover this address space
  3. Click Next
  4. Pick the option to Use domain name system (DNS) "MX" records to route mail automatically 
  5. Click OK, then Next
  6. Set authentication to None
  7. Click Next
  8. Skip the Source Server settings by clicking Next
  9. Click Next once more, and finally, New

Part 2: Set up Journaling

The next portion assumes that you are still logged in to the EMC.

  1. Under Organization Configuration, select Hub Transport
  2. Select the Journal Rules tab
  3. On the right, click New Journal Rule...
  4. Select the following to apply these rules:
    1. For * If the message is sent to or from…, select Apply to all messages
    2. For * Journal the following messages…, select Apply to all messages
    3. For * Send journal reports to:, enter your archive address
    4. Give the rule a name and click Save
  1. Make sure the rule is enabled by looking at the tick box

This will now start archiving all internal mail.

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  1. Carlos Rios

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated a year ago
